Consultations with the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration and the Romanian Parliament

Representatives of the Romanian Construction Designers Employers' Association have started consultation procedures with the authorities responsible for optimising the legislative framework for activity in the construction sector. The approach, harmonised with those carried out at the level of the Federation of Employers of Construction Companies in Romania, was aimed at communicating with the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, as well as with the Romanian Parliament, through the Committee for Industries and Services and the Committee for Public Administration of the Chamber of Deputies.

The proposals have been submitted to the relevant institutions and representatives of the PPC and FPSC have already participated in a first round of discussions this week with the Chairman of the Industry and Services Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Sandor Bende. The dialogue focused on the amendments needed to improve the design process and to clarify roles in order to avoid overlapping of responsibilities between the designer and other industry players by law. This will allow each participant to concentrate on their own specialisation, without any further interference.

The rule of a single point of contact and a single responsibility is, moreover, found in the legislative framework already applied in the developed countries of Western Europe, responding fully to the general interest of having a rapid implementation and planning of investments.

The context of the request concerns the draft law on the Land Use, Urban Planning and Construction Code (CATUC) registered at the Chamber of Deputies and concerns two aspects:

1. Clarification and definition without any possibility of interpretation of the legal obligations incumbent on beneficiaries, designers, project verifiers, technical managers, project managers, consultants, executors (contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, etc.) in the process of carrying out an investment. 2. Clear definition of the content of technical documentation deliverables and the responsibilities of each participant in a project in all phases of the life cycle of an investment.

The full correlation of the bill will bring clarity and remove the unnatural overlap of responsibilities that exists in this form of the bill. Virtually all stakeholders in a project benefit from clarification of roles, roles assumed in the life cycle of an investment by each participant according to their competencies. Through our proposals, we will boost investments with direct effects not only in the construction sector but also in the financial sector, professional services, industry and public administration, through clear and simple procedures, reducing to the maximum the risk of interpretations that generate unnecessary bottlenecks in the process", said Florin Nistor, PPC First Vice-President.
